Register Today!
7th Annual Bun-nanza!
Sunday, October 27, 2019
11 am - 4 pm
Clinton Community Center
63 Halstead Street,
Clinton, NJ 08809
Why do you want to register on-line? Why early?
We are using secure Paypal & Credit Card payments - you do not need a Paypal account. The Shopping cart will keep track of your selections. Use Add to Cart, adjust quantity if needed, then Continue Shopping will bring you back to View your Cart and complete registration.
On-line Admissions are automatically entered in the Door Prize Drawing!
There are limits set on all tickets - you won't want to miss out!
Grooming and Nail appointments are very limited.
Walk-in Registrations will be accepted at door!
Hope to see you there!
Admissions: $5 - Adults & Children 12+
Children under 12 - Free!
Secure PayPal or Credit Card payments.
Grooming: $25 - Nails Only: $7
Make Selection, then Add to Cart. Morning is 11am - 12:15 pm; Afternoon 2 pm - 3:30 pm
Secure PayPal or Credit Card payments.
Note: Please let us know how many bunnies you will be bringing on the "Registration Success" page you will receive on checkout. Thank you!