In Memory of Peanut
Joined the angels - 7/8/2024

Her name was Peanut and it seems she was meant to be with me for only a very short time, but, oh, how I loved her. She was part of a rabbit rescue operation and came to my care when she was only two months old. She was a dickens from the very beginning.
Sadly, I shall not have memories of Peanut through the years as she matured. She was with me for only 20 months. She was terribly inbred and the runt of the litter. Unfortunately, she was born with a deformed esophagus and began to choke on her food.
Putting her down was one of the hardest decisions I ever made. I had had a healthy and mischievous rabbit one day and the next, one requiring euthanasia. She presented as a happy and healthy bunny until her last day. But that was all illusion. She was slowing dying as the mass in her throat grew. I held her in my arms for the last time as the veterinarian first gave her an anesthetic before administering the final drug that passed her from this life.
It has been a while since I lost my sweet bunny and I miss her antics. I miss her jumping out of her pen and running wild as I chased her around the house. I miss petting her, which she loved. I miss her begging for treats. I miss her bunny kisses. I miss her sitting by her food dish if I was late feeding her. I can’t bring myself to replace the chewed wainscoting that proves “Peanut was here.”
Little Peanut, I wouldn’t have missed being your “mom” for the world; I wouldn’t trade one memory. Even though I lost you, girl, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Rest in Peace, Peanut
You will always be in my heart.
Love, Diane Romano
Lebanon, NJ