I didn’t start as a volunteer when we adopted a rabbit named Honey from Safe Haven Rabbit Rescue. Once we got her home and settled, we realized how important it was for these little creatures to have help finding their forever homes. My husband, Bill, and I immediately became volunteers.
A Fun Fundraiser
Our first effort was helping with a program called Bike for the Buns; a fundraiser that brought families together to ride their bikes down the Delaware River towpath, have a picnic lunch and talk about their bunnies or their love for them. A fee was paid to join the ride and that was money for the buns. (Not hotdog buns, Bunnies!) We manned the grill and helped with set up and clean up.
From there we became very involved with the other fundraisers, such as the Bun-nanza. An educational event held every year (until the pandemic) for rabbit companions to understand why their rabbits need toys, healthy food and companionship. Hard work with lots of set up but worth the effort.
We also helped with some physical rescues. Capturing domestic rabbits in back yards or retrieving them from a hoarders home where forty bunnies sat in cages awaiting relief. Sometimes you need more than one person to catch a scared rabbit who has been cast out by a careless owner. It can take days of returning to the site and remaining still until the time is right.
Charities Need Volunteers
Charity organizations need people to help them succeed. Safe Haven Rabbit Rescue is no different. We need volunteers to do all kinds of work to keep the rabbits happy and hoppy.
Do you love rabbits? Have you ever thought about volunteering with a rabbit rescue?
If you have, here are the things that you would be able to do if you join the volunteers at Safe Haven.
· Be part of a team that works to keep the SHRR rabbits safe and healthy
Foster a rabbit
· Participate in fundraising efforts
· Work on the social media presence of the rescue
Contribute to the rescue newsletter, which is published twice per year
Provide marketing ideas and help execute them
· Transport rabbits to their next stop on their journey to a forever home
· Represent SHRR at educational events
Many people envision volunteering for the rescue as having direct contact with the rabbits. But since our rescue is foster home based, foster parents provide all the care. So snuggling with the bunnies or cleaning their houses is not needed at this time.
That said, if you want to learn more about rabbit care so that you can handle buns with more confidence, the other volunteers will be happy to share their experience with you. If after completing an application, you want to foster or adopt a bunny, we will provide hands-on education.
We Need Volunteers
Safe Haven Rabbit Rescue needs volunteers. During the pandemic, we could not do public fundraisers and while that is changing, we now have the new option of doing virtual fundraising. Like all non-profits, new volunteers, new ideas, and new enthusiasm are always needed. Let us know your ideas!
It is essential that you have rabbit knowledge to foster a rabbit. But for some of the other tasks, you can be saving rabbits without a single fur fluff on your clothes.
Contact us at adopt@safehavenrr.org and we will get back to you to talk about how you can contribute to the safety, health, care and love of a rabbit. Be it sanctuary or adoptable.
Reach out now. Don’t wait. A rabbit is waiting for you.